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Gemini Wrote A Script


Below is an AI generated script.

Lunar Line

Logline: Three undercover moon spies, disguised as bumbling delivery guys, finally get the "go" signal after years of deep cover on Earth. Hilarity ensues as they attempt to activate a hidden lunar retrieval device disguised as a broken pizza oven.


  • REX (40s) - Gruff, sarcastic leader.
  • ZACK (30s) - Eager to please, tech-savvy.
  • CHUCK (50s) - Older, weary, surprisingly spry.


A dingy apartment in suburban America. Empty pizza boxes litter the coffee table. A broken "Lunar Supreme" pizza oven sits on the counter.

Scene 1:


REX stares out the window, scowling. CHUCK picks his teeth with a crumpled napkin. ZACK nervously taps a holographic keyboard on a tablet.

REX Still nothing?

ZACK Nope. Same old encrypted chicken scratch.

CHUCK (Sarcastic) Maybe they forgot about us. Stuck us here all these years with nothing but cold pizza and bad reality TV.

REX Don't get cocky, Chuck. We knew the risks.

Suddenly, ZACK leaps to his feet, eyes wide.

ZACK Wait! A spike! It's a code!

Rex and Chuck exchange surprised glances.

Scene 2:

The men huddle around the "broken" pizza oven. Zack throws a switch, revealing a complex control panel. Chuck pulls out a worn instruction manual from under the counter.

CHUCK "Lunar Retrieval Protocol: Phase One - Preheat to 420 degrees..."

REX (Scoffs) They couldn't have made this a little less obvious?

ZACK Maybe it's a test. See if we're still sharp. Come on, let's do this.

They follow the instructions clumsily, throwing awkward glances at each other.

Scene 3:

The apartment fills with a strange hum. Smoke billows from the oven. Chuck pulls a lever labeled "Lunar Lock." The floor begins to vibrate.

CHUCK Whoa! Did the manual mention an earthquake?

REX Hold on tight!

Scene 4:

A blinding flash engulfs the room. When the light fades, a large metal device rises from the floor, extending into the ceiling.

ZACK Holy moly! What is that?

REX (Grinning) Looks like our ride home, boys.

Scene 5:

The metal structure transforms into a sleek spaceship. As they climb in, the living room walls dissolve, revealing a breathtaking view of Earth.

CHUCK (Eyes sparkling) About damn time. Miss you, zero gravity!

The ship blasts off, leaving behind a bewildered neighbor staring up at the sky.

Scene 6:


The men float around the spaceship, ecstatic. Chuck does somersaults. Rex surveys a holographic map of the moon. Zack tinkers with the controls.

REX We're almost there. Feels good to be back.

ZACK But what about our cover? What will they think when they find a pile of rubble where our apartment was?

CHUCK (Shrugs) Who cares? We're heroes! Besides, Earthlings love a good conspiracy theory.

REX (Smiling) True enough. Let's just hope they rebuild decent pizza ovens on the moon.

The ship docks at a lunar base. The men, back in their official moon suits, exit with a swagger. The final shot shows the "Lunar Supreme" oven control panel, detached from the ship and floating silently in space.


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